
Hydra - Second Capture

Hydra - A submarine Cyberhive recruitment, acquisition, and guard station unit. Typically one of the first units deployed on a planet newly targeted by the Cyberhive, often as the first acquisition unit as the hive tries to build a local force.

In most cases there is no visible portion of this unit. A typical deployment will be to a seabed in a low-traffic area, where the Hydra will completely bury itself, only extending the characteristic attack tendrils when it has a target in range.

Darkmind Sun, 11/10/2013 - 17:44
Wing - First Capture

Wing - One of the most common Cyberhive automated units. Is used in both troop transport and recruitment functions, using the same device.

The name is descriptive: The unit appears as a single uniform wing, wingspan extending to a length of 3.25 meters, including the center engine/connections unit.

Possibly the oldest type of Cyberhive units. It is rarely seen alone or empty in modern combat.

Darkmind Sun, 11/10/2013 - 17:43
A Mistake

The human-colonized sphere would be a much different place had Dr. Meier been a different man. Many point to different deep-seated psychological issues. Some claim evidence of hidden megalomania tendencies. Others point to the lack of female acquaintances in his history. (His mother, predictably, gets brought up as both evidence for and evidence against.) Claims of undiagnosed autism are also common. It is hard to know what parts of his psyche came through in his greatest — and most horrible — creation.

Darkmind Sun, 11/10/2013 - 17:42